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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Gang's all Here! Left to Right. My Aunt's friend Jewel, my Mom, my Aunt Vick, Me, and Meredith. Vacation time! We went to Myrtle Beach from last Thursday to Monday (my birhtday)! My aunt and Jewel were there a few extra days (lucky ducks)! The weather was awesome, only rained on Sunday so we resorted to shopping, big surpise. We had to much fun. Mom wants to make it an annual thing. I could go for it, we'll see what Jason says, he'll miss me too much! :) We were at the Bowery here, the place where Alabama (my mom's favorite) got their start. Posted by Picasa

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Picture with the flowers from Jason off our balcony at the hotel! Posted by Picasa

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Jason surprised me and sent me flowers Saturday night for Sweetest Day. Aww I know! These flowers are awesome! What a sweet husband I have! Posted by Picasa

Meredith and I being usual Posted by Picasa

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Me and Mom and the arcade Posted by Picasa

What is better than 25 cent skeeball at the arcade? Posted by Picasa

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Meredith and I went parasailing for the first time. It was awesome, pretty peaceful way up there! The only bad thing was I saw a ton of jellyfish and I didn't want to go in the water, well the guy driving the boat could tell that I didn't want to go in the water, do you think that stopped him? No we got drenched, still had a blast though. We saw a stingray and we also saw about 25-30 dolphins, pretty neat! Posted by Picasa

Meredith braving the water. Too cold for me I'm a wimp! She had some decent waves though as you can see! I never noticed the moon until I put the pictures on here, that is pretty cool! Posted by Picasa

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Go BUCKEYES! Posted by Picasa

Jason and I trying to convert Seth from the dark side of being a Michigan fan! Posted by Picasa

Clark is going to be a big brother in April 2007. Congrats to Adam and Mary Beth. Posted by Picasa

Babies Galore

Congrats to John and Cari Kost who are expecting their first little one in April 2007. Seems like there are an awful lot of babies due next spring/summer, something must have been going on. Jason and I are glad to say that we are NOT pregnant at this time :) but happy for everyone else that is!

Seth Michael Navarre will be two in June and will be getting a new brother or sister for his birthday! Congrats to Steve and Erin who are expecting in June! Posted by Picasa

This is Carly Jane Beman, as you can see Chad and Missi are expecting a new little one in April! Congrats to you both! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 09, 2006

Here are a couple of pictures from the wedding that Jason was in this weekend. Congrats to Brent and Jill Overmier! The guys in the picture left to right. Soto, Coey, Busch, Baum, Bret, Scott, and Kenzy. Jason of course is in front. Posted by Picasa

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Jason and I went to the College Football Hall of Fame last week. It was something that was worth seeing once. Here Jason is hoping some NFL scout will see his QB talents. No such luck, back to Conway Jason. Posted by Picasa