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Live Happy Be Happy :)

A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Friday, March 31, 2006


It is about that time again when I become a golf widow. In other words, Jason has the golf fever as he has been walking around the house practicing his swing and last night he was taking the tags off his new clubs. He and Steve are in a 2 man golf scramble tomorrow, and he is super excited obviously. He doesn't play too often though so I can't say too much, plus he says it is so expensive anymore. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow so they can enjoy the warm weather.
Well I have survived my first week back to work and conquered a few interviews on my own and with some help. I think I'm going to be alright :) Nice to have the first week under my belt though. And some good news to end the week, my cell phone DOES work, woo hoo! Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Rocky Start

Well I didn't have the best start to this day. Tressel was pretty much up at 6:00 when Jason got up, for those of you who don't know I like my sleep and I don't do mornings so much, so when I don't want to get up until the earliest of 6:30, needless to say I wasn't a happy camper. Well that wasn' too bad, then I was getting ready to leave and getting Tressel all set up, well in the midst of that I dropped my cell phone in his water dish. Awesome, it worked then for about 2 seconds and then not so much. So, I took the battery out and dried it off and let it air dry. It is working right now so my fingers are crossed that it keeps working. On a better note, it is really nice out today and my parents are coming up a little later. My aunt Vic bought us a futon last week and they are going to go and pick it up for us, so that will be nice. That means we can have company now that doesn't have to sleep on the couch! I am also taking 2 hours off today to spend some time with the folks and allow my brain to relax a little bit. Hope that everyone is doing well and that your days started off better than mine!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Laughs, smiles, and more laughs

Had a good visit last night with 2 good friends from high school. My two friends Bridgit, who lives in Toledo and Cari, who recently moved back to the area. We figured that the last time the three of us got together was probably 4 years ago, pretty sad I know. We picked up though like nothing had changed and just exchanged stories and some side splitting laughter, Cari you can still make us laugh til we cry! Luckily, we are getting old and set in our ways so we realize how we need to re-prioritize and get things in line, we were all somewhat out of touch during college but renewed the friendship last night and plan to continue all getting together. It's amazing how much we have all changed but at the same time we are still those sweet innocent girls from good ole Defiance. Other than that, last night was a bust because we were at Applebees for 3 hours talking about new and old times, so I didn't get much done but it was worth it. Tonight, I hope to get something accomplished. I know that Jason is gearing up for this weekend, he plays golf on Saturday with Steve in a two man scramble and then Sunday he is heading to Busch's to watch wrestle mania, so sad I'll have to miss that, so looks like some serious bonding with me and Tressel. Hope that everyone is having a great week, the weather is finally getting better so we can't complain too much. Take care!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Quick post

Jason and I have started getting invitations for weddings this summer. Everyone older than us says, yeah you are about at that age. It's kind of funny. The neat part is that we understand how exciting this is for everyone and it is so cool being on the opposite end of the weddings now that we are married and have lived through it. I remember the first wedding we went to after we got engaged and what a strange feeling it was. Now that ours is finished the ones we have been to since we got married I look at and am amazed at the ideas that everyone comes up with. It is by no means easy to plan a wedding and the amount of time it takes is unreal. The funny thing is now when I think back to it, I don't think about all the planning and hard decisions we had to make, I just remember the final product and how well the day ended up being. I remember how much everyone enjoyed both the ceremony and the reception. Good times had by all, good pictures to prove it! Just a quick thought, and a smile to everyone who is reading this planning a wedding. Hope everyone is having a good rainy Tuesday.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The weekend is over

As usual the weekend went so fast I barely had time to think. Friday night my fellow classmates and my mentor went out to El Rodeo to celebrate our 20 week venture and conquering our training. Today I am back in BG and trying to remember what I learned over the course of the training. Saturday morning Tressel was up at the crack of dawn as usual, not fun. He needs to learn to sleep in on weekends. I met up with my mom and Grampa for a short time on Saturday afternoon, always good to see them. We also got to spend some time with Jason's cousin Lisa and aunt Linda and his parents came up for a little while. They shopped me til I dropped though, and I headed out early. Yesterday, Jason and I had a fun adventure tracking down a burning smell which we found ultimately came from the furnace. Jason was Mr Fix-It and headed to Lowes and got a new filter so we are hoping that it is an easy fix and that is all that needed to be done with it. Keep your fingers crossed. Tressel is doing much better with the house breaking, still some accidents here and there, but the concept is there, he's getting it. Hope that everyone is having a great Monday! Check out Jason's site to see how the brackets are looking now.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Good Day

Well today I am an official graduate of my title 2 training. To most of you that means nothing, but basically I finished my 13 week training course for Retirement, Disability, and Survivor benefits. So, back to Bowling Green on Monday to show off my new knowledge. Cross your fingers that I don't freeze and forget everything that I've learned. My fellow classmates and I are headed to a mexican restaraunt tonight to celebrate. Jason's aunt and cousin are coming up for a visit tomorrow, and Sunday will be somewhat relaxing hopefully watching some basketball and of course working on some things at the house, never ending task. Overall, hope to have a relaxed weekend to prepare for my big start to being a claims representative. Luckily, they aren't just throwing me in head over heals, I still have someone sitting with me for a couple of weeks to assure I not totally goof up and pay someone the wrong amount or something to that extent. The basketball brakets have been going crazy lately, with very close games and huge upsets. Jason got about 10 more gray hairs last night I think watching the Duke vs LSU game (he picked LSU), he said he felt like he was cheering for the Buckeyes because he became so involved in the game. All the hype has proven true with this March Madness season, and it isn't over yet. Only time will tell. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Laugh it's good for you

"Life was so much easier when your clothes didn't match and boys had cooties!"
"The trouble with jogging is that by the time you realize you're not in shape for it, it's too far to walk back."
---Franklin Jones
"A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well-known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized."
---Fred Allen
"Teenager with nose ring, baggy clothing and spiked hair to friend: I don't really like dressing like this, but it keeps my parents from dragging me everywhere they go."
"Isn't it amazing how nice people are to you when they know you're leaving?"
"He who laughs last probably didn't get the joke."
---Unknown "If you think something small can't make a difference, try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room."
"A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be."
"A bargain is something you cannot use at a price you cannot resist."
"Late night TV is very educational. It teaches you that you should have gone to bed earlier."
---James Dent
"Bad luck is bending over to pick up a four-leaf clover and being infected by poison ivy."

Have a great Thursday, enjoy the games

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Last night I got to spend a little time with my aunt and Grampa which is always nice. They headed up to Toledo for the evening. They were of course glad to see little Tressel who was in all his glory showing his new found ability to go up and down stairs. We were able to help Vic in her first ebay experience setting her up with a buy it now pick for some Jimmy Buffet tickets, so she was of course happy. Hope she didn't get them from Mark West, the guy who hosed us on our OSU vs Mich tickets, oh wait that guy is in jail, nevermind. Not much time today, back to work. Hope everyone is having a good midweek!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

T is for Tuesday

Tressel had his first trip to the vet last night. He is a little chicken that is for sure. This other dog comes in and he starts jumping up my leg, so I pick him up and put him on my lap, then he gets so scared he crawls behind me and hides. It was pretty funny though. The little chunk weighs almost 19 pounds. He isn't able to go for walks around the neighborhood though for at least a month until he gets his second round of shots because there is some contagious disease that puppies can get that is prevelant in our area, so that is frightening, but we'll obey doctors orders. The vet did suggest a few things for housebreaking/training, some I agree with and some Jason and I will choose not to do, this will just cause us to have a little more patience. Putting a board in his cage to only allow him enough space for him to lay down is too tough for us to do, I understand it will work and it will teach him to "hold it" but he will learn in time. He is walking up and DOWN steps now, which is nice. He is a little spoiled and the vet says that as soon as he realizes who is in charge all the behavior problems cease, but obviously he is in charge and Jason and I are big suckers :) Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. Yeah it is supposed to snow today, crazy weather (I said it before and I'll say it again)

Monday, March 20, 2006

Weekend Wrap-up

Our weekend revovlved mainly around basketball. Friday night we decided to brave the crowds and head out for a little bit for St Patty's Day. This time probably not in our better judgement, we aren't big party animals and aren't big fans of crowds, so needless to say we didn't have the time of our life. We headed down the road to this event being put on by a couple local radio stations, well the line to get in was about a mile long, it was going pretty quick though. We get all the way to the front and they are only allowing people to go in when people come out because they were at the fire code limit of 6,000. So yeah, once you get in there are so many people you can hardly move. So we jetted out within about 30 minutes. We were more excited to go home and see Tressel than anything, we are old farts anymore. We did stop and buy Walk the Line though, great movie! Saturday the in-laws came up and we grilled out some steaks, very good and nice of them to come up. Jason also got a new golf driver so he was a very happy man. Yesterday, Jason watched the puppy and hung out with his friend Busch watching bball while I worked in the craft room and made a lot of progress. Things are really starting to come together at the house, slow but sure. If my mother would quit bringing more stuff everytime she came that would help :) I don't think Jason and I will ever move again, I already have way too much stuff and I could only imagine how much more we would accumulate over the years to come. Hope that everyone had a great weekend and is having a good start to their week! Take care!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St Patrick's Day

History of Saint Patrick
St. Patrick's Day honors St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. We celebrate St. Patrick's Day on March 17. Americans march in parades, dance the Irish jig and gather to sing Irish songs. People wear green in memory of Ireland, the Emerald Isle and wear shamrocks, clover with three leaves.

March 17 was not the day St. Patrick was born but the day he died. Even though we don't know the date of his birth, most scholars believe the year was 385 AD and the year of his death was 461 AD.

St. Patrick was born in Scotland, studied religion to become a priest and then went to Ireland to teach the people about God. There are many wonderful stories about St. Patrick, some true and some not true. The most famous legend is that he drove the snakes out of Ireland. This did not happen but the Irish will tell you that you cannot find a snake throughout the whole country of Ireland.
St. Patrick's Day is celebrated annually on March 17 in honor of Ireland's patron saint. St. Patrick was born between 370 and 390 C. E. in the Roman Empire in Britain. His given name (Magonus Sucatus or Maewyn Succat) was changed to Patricius (Patrick) either after his baptism or after he became a priest. At the age of 16, Patrick was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Ireland. He remained in captivity for six years during which time he worked as a shepherd and began to have religious visions. During one of the visions, Patrick became aware of a rescue ship and he fled to France.

Patrick eventually returned to Ireland as a missionary and succeeded in converting the Irish to Christianity. He used a shamrock to explain the Trinity to potential converts. The three leaves of the shamrock represented the father, son, and holy spirit. Patrick is also reported to have driven all of the snakes, a pagan symbol, out of Ireland and into the sea where they drowned. This is perhaps a metaphor for driving paganism out of Ireland since biologists believe there were no snakes in Ireland at the time.

St. Patrick's Day celebrations in the United States are secular and date back as far as 1737 when Boston held its first St. Patrick's Day parade. The day is celebrated with green beer, the wearing of green clothing, and parades. However, in Ireland, the day is primarily a religious occasion.

Because many Americans celebrate their Irish lineage on St. Patrick's Day, March was chosen as Irish American Heritage Month. The month was proclaimed in 1995 by Congress (Public Law 103-379).

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Let the games begin...

Check out Jason's website for an update on our current pool.

Here are some facts about the history of the games.

NCAA Final Four History
The first NCAA Championship Basketball Tournament was played in 1939 and was won by the University of Oregon Ducks. Back then, only eight teams were part of the tournament. The NCAA Basketball Tournament expanded to include 64 teams in 1985.

NCAA Basketball Tournament Highs and Lows
-The most points scored by one team during the NCAA Basketball Tournament is 149, scored by Loyola Marymount against Michigan during the second round of the 1990 tournament.
-The fewest points scored by one team is 20, scored by North Carolina in their 26-20
loss against Pittsburgh in 1941.

NCAA Final Four Basketball Tournament Stars
Shaquille O'Neal - set an NCAA record by blocking 11 shots in one game for LSU in 1989.
Carmelo Anthony - became just the third freshman to be named the Outstanding Player of NCAA Final Four Basketball Tournament, after leading the Syracuse Orangemen to an 81-78 victory over the Kansas Jayhawks in 2003.
-Austin Carr - scored a record 61 points for Notre Dame in the first round of the 1970 NCAA Basketball Tournament.

Most Successful NCAA Final Four Teams
-The UCLA Bruins have won more NCAA Division 1 Championships than any other team. The -Bruins have won the
NCAA tournament 11 times, including seven straight titles from 1967 to 1973.
-The North Carolina Tar Heels have made it to the Final Four more times than any other team. The Tar Heels have made the
Final Four 15 times and have won the title three times.

Go Buckeyes! Oh yeah and go UNC (my #1 pick)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Tressel seems to be getting a little better each night, not keeping us up as much. I was feeling a little rough yesterday, the lack of sleep got the better of me I think. As the day progressed so did my headache and the feeling of blah. I got a good night sleep last night, the little guy was up about 1 again, took him outside and he fell back asleep around 2 so that was the worst of it for me. Jason took him and settled him down and he slept for a solid 3-4 hours. I think we are getting a little taste of what our friends go through who have kids. The only difference is that when you first have a kid and aren't used to getting woken up so frequently you usually have a little time off of work, so we are hanging in there and getting a glimpse as to what we have to look forward to in the future (yes mom and Jody FUTURE). We really do have to watch him like a little kid because if you don't he'll pee all over the place. So I am feeling better and Jason is getting geared up for the NCAA tourney. My lil brother is coming up tonight to help me get some more stuff put away, it is a never ending process. So for the middle of the week things are going well and I hope that everyone is doing well. Again, hope to post some pictures soon of the pee-monster. He could seriously pee every 20 minutes, hope he grows out of that!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Much Better

Jason and I are more rested today than yesterday thanks to Tressel getting more sleep. He was still up quite a few times, but not nearly as much and he was much easier to calm down and get back to sleep. I think that between the storms and the adjustment phase the first two nights we were doomed. Thankfully he is doing better. The crate training is going well as is the housebreaking. He only peed in his cage yesterday which is to be expected, no # 2 thank goodness. He is starting to get the concept of don't pee in the house down, after only 3 days that is great, he had one accident last night but he was so excited to see us both that you can't blame the little guy. I think that this is worth passing on, Jason went to lunch with his boss yesterday who was saying that owning a puppy is almost harder than having kids, because you can always get someone to watch your kids but you ever try and get someone to watch your dog? Ha-ha thought that was pretty funny and very true, never thought of it like that. Tonight I am meeting up with the girls for the Bowling Green office for a spaghetti dinner, at one of the girls houses who is on maternity leave and coming back next week, she is having it as an appreciation for everyone helping out with her workload, I have been in Toledo so I haven't been any help, but they invited me anyways :) Hope you all have a great Tuesday. And by the way, how can it be like 70 on Monday and snowing on Tuesday? Only in Ohio!

Monday, March 13, 2006


So we went and picked up the puppy on Saturday. He is definitely as cute as we thought he would be, he is also as much work as we thought he would be. For the most part, he did pretty good with the housebreaking, as well as can be expected for never doing it before. He had a few accidents on Saturday and then in the evening last night a few more, overall that wasn't too bad. The worst part has been at night. I was a big sucker Saturday night and let him into bed with us, he woke up quite a few times to go outside and then was pretty much awake by 6:30 or 7:00 so I got up with him and then when Jason got up I took a little nap. Then last night, Jason thinks he got about only 4 hours of sleep and I was probably there pretty close with a little more. The little stinker just wakes up and won't go back to bed. We did take him out a few times last night, and I don't think that it has helped that it has been thunderstorming the last two nights like crazy. The nice thing is that Jeremy and Alanna told us that they got a little spot lifter that worked well, I tell you what that thing has been a blessing, it takes like 2 seconds to clean up his little pee spots. Oh and yes he pees about every 20 minutes, the little guy must have a miniature bladder. So, we started the crate training this morning, don't think he will be too happy with us, but it must be done. We tried last night in the middle of the night and that didn't work out so well. I keep telling myself about ultimately how they enjoy having their own little "den" and a place of there own, and how most dogs prefer the crate and will even go in there when the family is home. It will all work itself out and he will be a great little puppy. He sure is a cute thing and when it isn't night time and we aren't trying to get some sleep there has been no problems, so hopefully the next few nights he will be adjusted and start sleeping all night, so Jason and I can get some sleep. I'll get some pictures posted here soon. Hope you all have a great start to your week!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Weekend Plans

On task for the weekend...Tonight is lay low night, will be a nice break for a change. Going to rent some movies and just hang out. I'm sure that I'll do some work around the house until Jason gets home from work. Tomorrow morning, we are heading off to Findlay to pick up Tressel. We will see how it goes, might be a long night tomorrow night, but it will be worth the hassle. So our next few weeks will be spent crate training and house breaking. That is about the extent of our plans for Saturday. On Sunday, there is an Old Toy and Train show here in Toledo that I'm going to with my mom, Grampa, and probably my aunt. Should be pretty neat, I won't be able to afford anything, well maybe a replica but it will be neat to see some of the old stuff. For those of you who don't know, I collect old toys and our family room is done up in old toys, looks pretty neat, or at least I think it does :) So, a couple of things to do but overall a good weekend planned. The weather is supposed to be really nice I hear too, up in the 60s maybe we can take Tressel out for some walks around the neighborhood. Hope that everyone has a good Friday and a great weekend!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

American Idol





Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Mid-way through the week. It's going super fast as it normally does. Been trying to just get some more stuff put away and hung up, getting a pretty good handle on it. I don't think that we will be ever done with the house, something will probably always need fixing/fixing up, or we might just plan want to change some things. The nice thing is though being able to get this all done right now and do things how we want. Well, I hear that our little Tressel is going to be a bit of a whiner for awhile, I talked to Jen last night and she said that he has been good buddies with the other dog they still have since they have been born. So, he will probably do some wimpering for awhile. We are still getting him on Saturday morning, so hopefully he will get it all out of his system and Jason and I are able to spoil him enough where he totally forgets about his buddy. Doubtful but hey I can be a wishful thinker. Could be very interesting. I'll make sure I take some pictures and put them on here because I know that my mother-in-law will want to see them since she has no grandchildren yet, it will give her something to show the girls at work so they can eww and ahhh over him. I can't think of anything else that is too overly exciting to tell you at this time. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday and prepare yourself for the wonderful weather we are expecting!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Gas Prices

Most of you might have seen this already, but yesterday as I filled my tank up at $2.49 a gallon I could use a little boost.

Something to think about next time you fill your car with gas & cringe at the cost.....


Compared with Gasoline -- Think a gallon of gas is expensive?

This makes one think, and also puts things in perspective.

Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 ..... $10.32 per gallon

Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 ..$9.52 per gallon

Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 .... $10.17 per gallon

Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 ... $10.00 per gallon

Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 ......... $33.60 per gallon

Vick's Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 .... $178.13 per gallon

Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 ....... $123.20 per gallon

Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 ...... . $25.42 per gallon

Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 ......$84.48 per gallon

And this is the REAL KICKER...

Evian water 9 oz $1.49..........$21.19 per gallon? $21.19 for WATER - and the buyers don't even know the source.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Well Jason and I were able to entertain some people this weekend. We aren't used to that, with our small apartment people would literally be sitting on one another. So we had about 7 people over, over the course of the weekend, 2 kids, and the in-laws, they didn't come for fun though they came to work, and Jason's mom and I got the border finished. Yesterday I was able to get most of the family room finished, so that was a good thing. We are getting Tressel this weekend so the quicker I get stuff put away the better. Don't need any additional messes once we get him we will have enough. It will be a handful at first, but once we get past him getting used to everything and get him house broke it will be nice to have him in the family. Hope that everyone is doing well and is having a good start to the week!


This weekend for Jason and I was pretty busy. We aren't used to having people come to our place, because our apartment was so small everyone had to literally sit on top of each other. We did entertain about 7 people 2 kids and the in-laws, which the in-laws came to work so they didn't have much fun. It was nice of everyone to come up though and see our place. I hope that next time they all come up the house will be in complete order. I worked on the living room all day yesterday and made some pretty good progress. Jody and I were able to get the border done on Saturday so now I can saturate the walls with the few things I have to hang up, alright more like the few million things that I have. Overall, a very good and a very productive weekend. This weekend we get to go and get Tressel, so the task at hand for this week is to get everything put away or at least out of site, so he has no chance of wandering into my stuff and chewing/pooping/peeing in/on something. We are excited about getting him, we realize it will be a chore for a little while, but in the end nonetheless it will be nice to have him as an addition to our family. Plus it will give my mother-in-law something to take pictures of and show to all her work buddies since she isn't getting grandchildren right away :) Hope that everyone had a great weekend! Oh yeah by the way, when is the good weather coming and staying for awhile? It is snowing here today, what in the world.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Cruise is Booked

Here is our trip in a nutshell. Jason and I also decided since we would be home on Thursday night to head to Columbus that following Saturday to see Kenny Chesney! May can't come quick enough now. These might be the only 2 things that we can do for the whole year now that we have a mortgage, ha-ha!
Day 1
Port of Call
Sun, May 21
Port Canaveral (orlando), Florida
4:30 pm
Mon, May 22
Freeport, Bahamas
8:00 am
4:00 pm
Tue, May 23
Nassau, Bahamas
7:00 am
Wed, May 24
Nassau, Bahamas
7:00 am
Wed, May 24
At Sea
Thu, May 25
Port Canaveral (orlando), Florida
7:00 am

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Little by Little

We are getting the house in some sort of order, little by little, I have been trying to work on it for a short time every night. That makes it seem not so overwhelming, and so far so good. I am still struggling with my back, but the fact that I continue to do a little something probably isn't helping matters, but I don't have time for this. We hope to get all the border up this weekend so then that phase will be officially over with for now. It's starting to come together nicely, starting to get that "come in, sit down, and make yourself comfortable feel," that I strive to have. On the flip side. Jason and I are planning a vacation for the final week of May. We are contemplating a cruise, well more like we've decided we would like to take a cruise. I never really thought I would have much interest going on one, but from what I hear it is something everyone should experience at least once. It looks like the Bahamas just might be our destination, not 100% sure, but it really does seem like a pretty neat idea. Something that we have both never done, and honestly if we don't go now, we will probably never get the opportunity to again. We also plan to get Tressel in about a week and a half. So on that note, anyone want to dog/house sit the end of May while we are gone? :) Hope that everyone is doing well.