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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Baby Raike Update

Well I am 17 weeks along and the morning sickness (well I don't know who coined the term "morning sickness" because my body didn't care if it was morning, noon, or night)...but the nausea has gone away. It was a rough 7-8 weeks of feeling like crap but it could have been a whole lot worse! Things have been going well. Only a few more weeks to see what we are having. Jason says boy (shocker) and lately I have had a feeling it is a girl. Mom and Jason have a bet. Mom has said all along it's a girl and Jason just the opposite so whoever is right gets a free lunch. Only time will tell. I know a lot of people think we are cheating because we are finding out but for us we would like to know. I want to get the nursery done up without having to use neutral colors. Our luck though they won't be able to tell because the baby will be uncooperative (it is the combination of a Metz and a Raike). I am still in my normal clothes but not for long. I will have Jason take a picture of my belly for everyone to see. Hope that everyone is doing well. And just remember spring is on the way! Thank goodness!

We pulled it off!

Well we had a surprise 50th birthday party for mom yesterday. And it worked out and she was definitely surprised. She thought she and some of my other family were coming to Toledo to get steaks for everyone's birthday in February (Mom, Vic, Grampa, Suz). Well little did she know we have been planning away for a couple months and with no one leaking the secret, we pulled it off. We had a good time about 50 people showed up and we all had a good time. I didn't get a chance to take many pictures at all! There are a few below. You can see some from Clark's 3rd birthday party too last month. I got finally got my camera back after over a month so I hope to have some more pictures updated for you soon.

Mom is 50!

Dad did a good job on picking out the cake!


Mom trying to figure out what is going on

Mom realizing that is Clark, and this must be her party!

Very good picture of mom and Clark

Not so good picture of mom and Clementine (poor Clementine was sooo tired)

Jody taking a break with Tressel after working all day to help me re-do my upstairs bathroom. I will get pictures up once I get it back in order.

Clementine eating something that looks nasty!

She loved this penguin that was supposed to be Clark's from Aunt Vicki

Clark and Papa Metz eating pizza

Clark is 3

Clark eating his Thomas cake his Grandma made him for his 3rd birthday!

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