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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


We are just about done with painting, thank goodness. Just some touch up spots here and there which we are pretty much leaving for Jason's dad because he is better at it than the rest of us. I had the day off yesterday, well the day off from work, but I was over at the house cleaning the showers and toilets, not too much like a day off when you look at it that way huh? Now we can move in though, since the showers are clean and the toilets are scrubbed. Just a little more cleaning to do, but not much and we are pretty much good to go. The plan is to move everything on Saturday, I sure hope it doesn't rain/snow. The bad news is that I haven't packed a scrap from the apartment yet, so that leaves the next 3 days or so to get that done. Most of you who know me, know that I have a lot of stuff, so moving is not the most exciting thing in the world to me, but hey what can you do, and by the way mother, I get it honest. We are also getting a chocolate lab puppy to be named Tressel in the next couple of weeks from my friend Jen, I just saw a picture of him, he is so cute. We are excited about that. We are also planning a vacation for the end of May so once we get settled we hope to decide where we want to go, it is looking like Florida. I hope that everyone is doing well, still waiting to get some after pictures so I can post the before and after shots of the house, bear with me. Oh yeah, and the Aztek is currently at the shop undergoing some repairs. Have a great Tuesday!


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