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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Mid-way through the week. It's going super fast as it normally does. Been trying to just get some more stuff put away and hung up, getting a pretty good handle on it. I don't think that we will be ever done with the house, something will probably always need fixing/fixing up, or we might just plan want to change some things. The nice thing is though being able to get this all done right now and do things how we want. Well, I hear that our little Tressel is going to be a bit of a whiner for awhile, I talked to Jen last night and she said that he has been good buddies with the other dog they still have since they have been born. So, he will probably do some wimpering for awhile. We are still getting him on Saturday morning, so hopefully he will get it all out of his system and Jason and I are able to spoil him enough where he totally forgets about his buddy. Doubtful but hey I can be a wishful thinker. Could be very interesting. I'll make sure I take some pictures and put them on here because I know that my mother-in-law will want to see them since she has no grandchildren yet, it will give her something to show the girls at work so they can eww and ahhh over him. I can't think of anything else that is too overly exciting to tell you at this time. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday and prepare yourself for the wonderful weather we are expecting!


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