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Friday, March 10, 2006

Weekend Plans

On task for the weekend...Tonight is lay low night, will be a nice break for a change. Going to rent some movies and just hang out. I'm sure that I'll do some work around the house until Jason gets home from work. Tomorrow morning, we are heading off to Findlay to pick up Tressel. We will see how it goes, might be a long night tomorrow night, but it will be worth the hassle. So our next few weeks will be spent crate training and house breaking. That is about the extent of our plans for Saturday. On Sunday, there is an Old Toy and Train show here in Toledo that I'm going to with my mom, Grampa, and probably my aunt. Should be pretty neat, I won't be able to afford anything, well maybe a replica but it will be neat to see some of the old stuff. For those of you who don't know, I collect old toys and our family room is done up in old toys, looks pretty neat, or at least I think it does :) So, a couple of things to do but overall a good weekend planned. The weather is supposed to be really nice I hear too, up in the 60s maybe we can take Tressel out for some walks around the neighborhood. Hope that everyone has a good Friday and a great weekend!


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