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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Much Better

Jason and I are more rested today than yesterday thanks to Tressel getting more sleep. He was still up quite a few times, but not nearly as much and he was much easier to calm down and get back to sleep. I think that between the storms and the adjustment phase the first two nights we were doomed. Thankfully he is doing better. The crate training is going well as is the housebreaking. He only peed in his cage yesterday which is to be expected, no # 2 thank goodness. He is starting to get the concept of don't pee in the house down, after only 3 days that is great, he had one accident last night but he was so excited to see us both that you can't blame the little guy. I think that this is worth passing on, Jason went to lunch with his boss yesterday who was saying that owning a puppy is almost harder than having kids, because you can always get someone to watch your kids but you ever try and get someone to watch your dog? Ha-ha thought that was pretty funny and very true, never thought of it like that. Tonight I am meeting up with the girls for the Bowling Green office for a spaghetti dinner, at one of the girls houses who is on maternity leave and coming back next week, she is having it as an appreciation for everyone helping out with her workload, I have been in Toledo so I haven't been any help, but they invited me anyways :) Hope you all have a great Tuesday. And by the way, how can it be like 70 on Monday and snowing on Tuesday? Only in Ohio!


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