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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, March 13, 2006


So we went and picked up the puppy on Saturday. He is definitely as cute as we thought he would be, he is also as much work as we thought he would be. For the most part, he did pretty good with the housebreaking, as well as can be expected for never doing it before. He had a few accidents on Saturday and then in the evening last night a few more, overall that wasn't too bad. The worst part has been at night. I was a big sucker Saturday night and let him into bed with us, he woke up quite a few times to go outside and then was pretty much awake by 6:30 or 7:00 so I got up with him and then when Jason got up I took a little nap. Then last night, Jason thinks he got about only 4 hours of sleep and I was probably there pretty close with a little more. The little stinker just wakes up and won't go back to bed. We did take him out a few times last night, and I don't think that it has helped that it has been thunderstorming the last two nights like crazy. The nice thing is that Jeremy and Alanna told us that they got a little spot lifter that worked well, I tell you what that thing has been a blessing, it takes like 2 seconds to clean up his little pee spots. Oh and yes he pees about every 20 minutes, the little guy must have a miniature bladder. So, we started the crate training this morning, don't think he will be too happy with us, but it must be done. We tried last night in the middle of the night and that didn't work out so well. I keep telling myself about ultimately how they enjoy having their own little "den" and a place of there own, and how most dogs prefer the crate and will even go in there when the family is home. It will all work itself out and he will be a great little puppy. He sure is a cute thing and when it isn't night time and we aren't trying to get some sleep there has been no problems, so hopefully the next few nights he will be adjusted and start sleeping all night, so Jason and I can get some sleep. I'll get some pictures posted here soon. Hope you all have a great start to your week!


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