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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

T is for Tuesday

Tressel had his first trip to the vet last night. He is a little chicken that is for sure. This other dog comes in and he starts jumping up my leg, so I pick him up and put him on my lap, then he gets so scared he crawls behind me and hides. It was pretty funny though. The little chunk weighs almost 19 pounds. He isn't able to go for walks around the neighborhood though for at least a month until he gets his second round of shots because there is some contagious disease that puppies can get that is prevelant in our area, so that is frightening, but we'll obey doctors orders. The vet did suggest a few things for housebreaking/training, some I agree with and some Jason and I will choose not to do, this will just cause us to have a little more patience. Putting a board in his cage to only allow him enough space for him to lay down is too tough for us to do, I understand it will work and it will teach him to "hold it" but he will learn in time. He is walking up and DOWN steps now, which is nice. He is a little spoiled and the vet says that as soon as he realizes who is in charge all the behavior problems cease, but obviously he is in charge and Jason and I are big suckers :) Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. Yeah it is supposed to snow today, crazy weather (I said it before and I'll say it again)


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