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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Tressel seems to be getting a little better each night, not keeping us up as much. I was feeling a little rough yesterday, the lack of sleep got the better of me I think. As the day progressed so did my headache and the feeling of blah. I got a good night sleep last night, the little guy was up about 1 again, took him outside and he fell back asleep around 2 so that was the worst of it for me. Jason took him and settled him down and he slept for a solid 3-4 hours. I think we are getting a little taste of what our friends go through who have kids. The only difference is that when you first have a kid and aren't used to getting woken up so frequently you usually have a little time off of work, so we are hanging in there and getting a glimpse as to what we have to look forward to in the future (yes mom and Jody FUTURE). We really do have to watch him like a little kid because if you don't he'll pee all over the place. So I am feeling better and Jason is getting geared up for the NCAA tourney. My lil brother is coming up tonight to help me get some more stuff put away, it is a never ending process. So for the middle of the week things are going well and I hope that everyone is doing well. Again, hope to post some pictures soon of the pee-monster. He could seriously pee every 20 minutes, hope he grows out of that!


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