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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Weekend Wrap-up

Our weekend revovlved mainly around basketball. Friday night we decided to brave the crowds and head out for a little bit for St Patty's Day. This time probably not in our better judgement, we aren't big party animals and aren't big fans of crowds, so needless to say we didn't have the time of our life. We headed down the road to this event being put on by a couple local radio stations, well the line to get in was about a mile long, it was going pretty quick though. We get all the way to the front and they are only allowing people to go in when people come out because they were at the fire code limit of 6,000. So yeah, once you get in there are so many people you can hardly move. So we jetted out within about 30 minutes. We were more excited to go home and see Tressel than anything, we are old farts anymore. We did stop and buy Walk the Line though, great movie! Saturday the in-laws came up and we grilled out some steaks, very good and nice of them to come up. Jason also got a new golf driver so he was a very happy man. Yesterday, Jason watched the puppy and hung out with his friend Busch watching bball while I worked in the craft room and made a lot of progress. Things are really starting to come together at the house, slow but sure. If my mother would quit bringing more stuff everytime she came that would help :) I don't think Jason and I will ever move again, I already have way too much stuff and I could only imagine how much more we would accumulate over the years to come. Hope that everyone had a great weekend and is having a good start to their week! Take care!


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