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Live Happy Be Happy :)

A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Good Day

Well today I am an official graduate of my title 2 training. To most of you that means nothing, but basically I finished my 13 week training course for Retirement, Disability, and Survivor benefits. So, back to Bowling Green on Monday to show off my new knowledge. Cross your fingers that I don't freeze and forget everything that I've learned. My fellow classmates and I are headed to a mexican restaraunt tonight to celebrate. Jason's aunt and cousin are coming up for a visit tomorrow, and Sunday will be somewhat relaxing hopefully watching some basketball and of course working on some things at the house, never ending task. Overall, hope to have a relaxed weekend to prepare for my big start to being a claims representative. Luckily, they aren't just throwing me in head over heals, I still have someone sitting with me for a couple of weeks to assure I not totally goof up and pay someone the wrong amount or something to that extent. The basketball brakets have been going crazy lately, with very close games and huge upsets. Jason got about 10 more gray hairs last night I think watching the Duke vs LSU game (he picked LSU), he said he felt like he was cheering for the Buckeyes because he became so involved in the game. All the hype has proven true with this March Madness season, and it isn't over yet. Only time will tell. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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