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Live Happy Be Happy :)

A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Laughs, smiles, and more laughs

Had a good visit last night with 2 good friends from high school. My two friends Bridgit, who lives in Toledo and Cari, who recently moved back to the area. We figured that the last time the three of us got together was probably 4 years ago, pretty sad I know. We picked up though like nothing had changed and just exchanged stories and some side splitting laughter, Cari you can still make us laugh til we cry! Luckily, we are getting old and set in our ways so we realize how we need to re-prioritize and get things in line, we were all somewhat out of touch during college but renewed the friendship last night and plan to continue all getting together. It's amazing how much we have all changed but at the same time we are still those sweet innocent girls from good ole Defiance. Other than that, last night was a bust because we were at Applebees for 3 hours talking about new and old times, so I didn't get much done but it was worth it. Tonight, I hope to get something accomplished. I know that Jason is gearing up for this weekend, he plays golf on Saturday with Steve in a two man scramble and then Sunday he is heading to Busch's to watch wrestle mania, so sad I'll have to miss that, so looks like some serious bonding with me and Tressel. Hope that everyone is having a great week, the weather is finally getting better so we can't complain too much. Take care!


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