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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, March 27, 2006

The weekend is over

As usual the weekend went so fast I barely had time to think. Friday night my fellow classmates and my mentor went out to El Rodeo to celebrate our 20 week venture and conquering our training. Today I am back in BG and trying to remember what I learned over the course of the training. Saturday morning Tressel was up at the crack of dawn as usual, not fun. He needs to learn to sleep in on weekends. I met up with my mom and Grampa for a short time on Saturday afternoon, always good to see them. We also got to spend some time with Jason's cousin Lisa and aunt Linda and his parents came up for a little while. They shopped me til I dropped though, and I headed out early. Yesterday, Jason and I had a fun adventure tracking down a burning smell which we found ultimately came from the furnace. Jason was Mr Fix-It and headed to Lowes and got a new filter so we are hoping that it is an easy fix and that is all that needed to be done with it. Keep your fingers crossed. Tressel is doing much better with the house breaking, still some accidents here and there, but the concept is there, he's getting it. Hope that everyone is having a great Monday! Check out Jason's site to see how the brackets are looking now.


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