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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Rocky Start

Well I didn't have the best start to this day. Tressel was pretty much up at 6:00 when Jason got up, for those of you who don't know I like my sleep and I don't do mornings so much, so when I don't want to get up until the earliest of 6:30, needless to say I wasn't a happy camper. Well that wasn' too bad, then I was getting ready to leave and getting Tressel all set up, well in the midst of that I dropped my cell phone in his water dish. Awesome, it worked then for about 2 seconds and then not so much. So, I took the battery out and dried it off and let it air dry. It is working right now so my fingers are crossed that it keeps working. On a better note, it is really nice out today and my parents are coming up a little later. My aunt Vic bought us a futon last week and they are going to go and pick it up for us, so that will be nice. That means we can have company now that doesn't have to sleep on the couch! I am also taking 2 hours off today to spend some time with the folks and allow my brain to relax a little bit. Hope that everyone is doing well and that your days started off better than mine!


Blogger jason said...

please refrain from your titles starting with"Rocky" as i instantly thought it would be about rocky balboa

2:30 PM  

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