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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Old, Fat, and Out of Shape

The title describes my life these days, ha-ha. As you can tell I'm going back to the gym and back on the diet. Jason and I have our cruise coming up so that is a good motivator, I need all the help I can get. It is really tough though these days. Back in college, you could drink like a fish, go to class, then have all night to do meetings and stuff and still have enough time to workout sometime or another. Now it's work, home, puppy, house stuff, dinner, house stuff, packing lunches, house stuff, relaxation time, bed. Now sometimes working out just does not fit in the equation, but enough is enough I need to quit being a big butt and get to work. So, weight watchers is again the task at hand and I decided Mondays/Thursdays/Saturdays will be my workout days. That should leave me enough time to get the store and all that fun stuff that also needs to be done throughout the week, man they were right, growing up does suck :) In the midst of this, I need to start tanning, pretty bad when your mom makes fun of how pale you are. So, the point of this blog is to tell you all that you aren't alone and I feel your pain. I really have more time than I often like to admit I know this, I'm not as busy as I'd like to think, and I can "make time" for things, but sometimes it is pretty difficult, but I believe it can be done, so keep checking in to see how things are going or not going. I'm in a good mindset right now, so that is key! Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! Thought for the day, (i've posted this before, but it's funny enough to be posted again) EXERCISING IS LIKE HITTING YOURSELF IN THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER, IT FEELS SO GOOD WHEN YOU STOP!


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