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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Another one bites the dust

Well another week is quickly fading. Hard to believe how fast time flies. I didn't get time to post yesterday so I will update everyone on my hair situation. I got it fixed thank goodness. I am much happier, when you don't like your hair it is tough on you, not like I can wear a hat at work or anything so I'm glad that it is taken care of. Jason and I got to enjoy the nice weather last night and we cooked out for the first time on our own, that was nice. I had a couple pieces of chicken and Jason got his burgers. It was perfect weather yesterday that is for sure. Tonight is a rest and relaxation night. Tomorrow we are going to the Toledo Mud Hens game. They opened up yesterday in a 1-0 loss. We are excited to go, last year we went to quite a few of them and really enjoy them. They are very family oriented and just allow you to watch that good ole game of baseball and have a good time. I think that we might hit up Tony Packo's before the game and see what the hype is all about. Sunday, Jason is watching golf all day so I am thinking I might head down to Defiance for the day. So that is what is going on here for the weekend. Hope everyone has exciting plans! Take care.


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